
Video Brinquedo's The Frog Prince Review

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“Hello, guys!” Ama said with a smile. “I’m Amaterasu!”

“And I’m Yatagarasu!!” Yata said, waving to the audience.

“And welcome to our newly-named show,” Ama and Yata said together. “The Yatama Reviews!!”
(A/N: Thanks, Ego-Man. I needed a name for the show.)

“First off, we wish you all a Happy New Year!” Yata said with a smile, clapping her hands. “And now, we would like to say that one of my favorite fairy tales is the one with the princess and the frog prince.
“The story was created by Brothers Grimm, and it is the first story in their collection. So… guess what: in the original version, the transformation was not triggered by the Princess kissing the frog. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. In fact, it was triggered when the Princess threw the frog against the wall out of sheer disgust. Why? Because he was treating her like a servant.”

“Oh, well…,” Ama said with a frown. “Someone needs to throw Video Brinquedo’s The Frog Prince out the window and into the sun.”

“What the hell is this… cover art?” Yata asked, looking at the box cover. “It looks like someone just copy-and-paste this sh*t for no reason.”

“Oh, well, I guess,” Ama said with a frown. “Got the drinks.”

“And the Reese’s Cups!” Yata replied, holding up a six-pack and a bag of Reese’s cups.

“Good,” Ama said with a sigh. “Let’s just… listen to the voice and pick out our true love… I think…”

“This is The Frog Prince,” Ama and Yata said together, the former sighing whereas the latter is picking up a Reese’s Cup and proceeds to eat it.

The Frog Prince Review Begin
“So, we start off with-it’s worse than I thought…,” Ama said as soon as the animation appeared. “This animation’s so… so… blocky, and nothing’s moving except the characters! It’s like the background and the characters… don’t mix. Y’know what I mean.”

“The narrator tells us what’s going on,” Yata said, scratching her head and sighing, “and while doing so, he gives us the rundown on our main character, Princess Iria, who I think is the worst princess I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”

(Narrator: Once upon a time in a far, far away land, there was a young and beautiful princess. Her name was Iria…
Iria: Wow, what a beautiful shell. But~, there’s really nothing special about it.
Narrator: She was very demanding and, in her mind, nothing seems to be at eth same level of her beauty. Iria was King Dongo’s only daughter, and her behavior made her very worried.)

“Also, I hope you guys hear the background music while they’re talking,” Ama said with a frown. “It’s one of the worst BGM’s I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Moving on, the King asks why she had turned away the fifth eligible bachelor this month, and she finds him and the previous four men because they were all weird to him. This girl wants a “genuine prince charming.” Lady, the last Prince Charming turned out to be a villain and paid the price for nearly killing the Queen and leaving the Princess to die.”

“Here’s the rundown: if she doesn’t marry by the next moon where they crown her, she loses her inheritance,” Yata said with a sigh. “Iria, however, reassures him that they should not worry about it… God, she makes Chi Chi from the Dragon Ball series look like a saint. Yes, I just complimented on how Chi Chi is nicer than Iria.”

“Later that night,” Ama said with a frown, “she-.

(Narrator: That night, the young princess seriously thought about her future, and for perhaps the very first time, her thoughts caused her to be concerned.)

“Thanks, Captain Obvious,” Ama said with a sigh. “Anyways, Princess Iria here hears a voice outside her window… the voice calls himself “The Spirit of Nature.” That’s… the dumbest name I’ve heard, but whatever. He tells her an oracle and tells her to marry the very first creature she speaks to… This movie just gave up, and we’re almost four minutes into it.”

“Of course,” Yata continued, eating her Reese’s cup, “Iria does fuss to him about it, then this comes up… because why not?”

(Iria: What was she transformed into? Perhaps a frog??)

“The response?” Ama and Yata said together.

(“The Spirit of Nature”: No. She was not that lucky. She was transformed into a banana tree, and – by the way – frogs are definitely not hideous!)

“Wow, just… give yourself away like that, huh?” Ama asked with a sigh. “But Iria doesn’t notice this little drop, and she rests… and – hey, look. The Spirit of Nature was a frog all along… my God, you make Usopp’s disguise as Sogeking look realer than anything you’ve done!!!”

“Okay, the next day comes,” Yata said with a sigh, “and filler… yeah. Iria just tells her father about what happened last night, and he decides to lock her up because oracle. Not because of a curse, but because of an oracle. Sheesh, I thought Nemo’s Dad was overprotective.”

“Princess Iria returns to her room just as the frog reaches her window,” Ama said, “and immediately, King Dongo finds the man who could possibly the one: Prince Zhen-Gui Du… uhh… not gonna go into that.”

“So I guess… filler passes by,” Yata said with a sweatdrop. “Seriously, they’re just fussing… again. Blah, blah, blah… the argument escalates… and Iria finally meets the frog, and oh God, this frog is somewhat of a smartass.”

“Iria tells the frog her problems,” Ama said, “and she claims that they are only ordinary, greedy men who are after the money, and how she’s waiting for her Prince Charming. B*tch, I’mma say this again: the. Last. Prince. Charming. Almost. Killed. The Queen. And. Left. The Princess. To Die!! Also, hi, Disney soundtrack that has been ripped off for some reason.”

“The frog decides to help by… uh…,” Yata said, as the scene changes. “Okay, I guess he gives her ear plugs or some sh*t like that. So, we see who Zhen Gui Du is, and… yeah, looks kind of douchey to me. Iria comes down on her father’s orders, and we see that she has a… something in her ears.”

“Regardless, she can’t hear anybody,” Ama said. “Iria and Zhen Gui Do go outside and they talk… well, Zhen Gui Do talks while Iria just walks… okay, gotta get this out: ‘Cause this is filler~!! Filler time~!! There, got it!!”

“Uhh…,” Yata said with a sweatdrop. “The Princess nods while Zhen Gui Do talks, and while she nods, he gets offended and leaves. There was no point in that. All she could of said was “I don’t wanna marry you,” then boom. Done.”

“Again, she and her father argue,” Ama sighed in frustration, “and apparently, it’s about the whole “I’m not listening to no oracle because I want me my Prince Charming” thing. She then claims that she’ll not talk to anybody outside the palace… yeah, hate her.”

“Of course, the plan works,” Yata said with a sigh. “So… the frog wants to be repaid with a kiss. Here’s this little brat’s response.”

(Princess Iria: *horribly laughs* That’s a good one! *laughs* Give you a kiss! *laughs* Me kissing a frog! *laughs* Imagine that: a kiss! Good one! *laughs* You’re funny!)

“Yep… you’re a b*tch,” Ama said with a twitch of her eyebrow. “So, she refuses to give him a kiss. So filler and filler and filler, and Iria are still friends after that damn conversation. The next day, Iria talks to her Dad… again… and more filler passes by. Wow, for being halfway into this 38:31 long movie, this movie has lost the will to keep going.”

“Wait… this is how long?!” Yata asked, prepared to lose her cool.

“You heard me,” Ama said with a shrug. “Thirty-eight minutes and thirty-one seconds long.”

“WHY SO SHORT, MOVIE?!!” Yata shouted, making Ama jump in surprise. “Okay, I get this is supposed to be for kids, but at least make it long enough to where-… actually… never mind. Don’t even try to make it long!! You have Ratatoing for that!! Friggin’ Ratatoing is longer than this dung!!”

“… you okay?” Ama asked, confused.

“I’m good,” Yata said, sitting down and dusting herself off. “Okay… anyways~! The King tells his daughter that she has to respect the “oracle” or else. So he gives her a story: about a king from a nearby country.”

(King Dongo: I remember once a king in a nearby country disobeyed an order by the Spirit of Rain. The result was a mess! With that whole kingdom ending up underwater! While, like you, the king thought it was a silly superstition.
Iria: That’s quite a story. What was the name of that kingdom?
King Dongo: I don’t remember. I just know the story. The story is the important point.)

“Hey, uh… sans,” Ama said, her phone next to her ear. “I needed to call you so I can hear a joke from you… yeah, uh… yeah, the joke I heard was terrible… gimme a good one…”

“While Ama’s on the phone with… whoever the hell sans is,” Yata said, sweatdropping in confusion. “Iria runs off to her room because she believes her Father “doesn’t care about her happiness” and listens to the law. Okay, the “Spirit of Nature” speaks to Iria, and filler… filler… filler… they talk about the frog… blah~… blah~… f*cking blah…”

(Iria: Why is that Spirit interested in me kissing a frog?)

“THE SPIRIT IS THE FROG, YOU DUMB B*TCH!!!” Ama and Yata shouted in anger.

“Okay, the next day comes by,” Ama said with a sigh, “and she is informed that her crowning has been moved up… to the next day. The Prime Minister wants to have her hand in marriage, and this is what she says about that fool.”

(Iria: He is a boring, clumsy old man who has horribly bad breath! Other than that, he is quite a treat.)

“God, I hope you get a horrible person to be your husband…,” Yata said with a frown. “So, we see a picture of him, and – good God, that’s what Eustace Baggs would probably look like. Again, more f*cking filler comes by… ugh, how much filler is there~!!”

“So Iria cries in her room, wishing that she hadn’t turned down the previous men,” Ama said with a silent “dumb@$$” following it, “and she hears the frog. She comes outside, and dumb@$$ being a dumb@$$, she has to marry the frog due to the oracle from “The Spirit of Nature” thanks to the woman being stupid.”

“Iria storms back to her room after she argues with the frog,” Yata said with a sigh, “and we see the Prime Minister… whose personality is so horrible that Eustace Baggs would call him a heartless man.”

“So the filler passes by,” Ama said with a sigh, “and Iria sees the Prime Minsiter. What response do we get from him?”

(Prime Minister: Is that all of her? Oh, she’s so skinny I can see her bones! I like bigger women!!)

“So, Iria hates the Prime Minister,” Ama said with a sigh, “and… good God, I would love to say that she deserves it, but… oh, screw it. She deserves this sh*t.
“Anyways, Iria tells them that she doesn’t have to marry the Prime Minister because she talked to the frog outside the palace… and the frog shows himself.”

“So crazy-@$$ filler is there when she explains how it happened,” Yata said, facepalming. “The King has to agree with a sad heart, and the Prime Minister leaves. The frog wants a kiss, but Iria refuses… again. God, I hate her!!”

“Iria fusses to her room,” Ama sighed, angered at Iria. “She is right that the frog happily tricked her. The frog apologizes, and… well, Iria apologizes, too. She finally stops dreaming of a Prince Charming, and she kisses the frog, who turns into… yeah, dude. Stay as a frog. You’re better that way.”

“So Iria gets her Prince Charming despite doing nothing to deserve him whatsoever?” Yata asked rather angrily. “… why~?!!”

(Narrator: So Iria and the Prince got married, and lived happily ever-.
*The Prince hops like a frog and ribbits.*
Iria: Prince! How many times do I have to tell you: practice walking!
Narrator: Well… the princess needed a lot of patience while the prince had to lose some old habits. But apart from that, they did live happily ever after.)

The Frog Prince Review End</b>
“So… that The Frog Prince,” Ama said with a sigh. “This movie… short… thing was sh*t. Like… literally, I can’t.”

“No character development, a spoiled brat as a princess, blocky animation, and grating background music,” Yata explained, summing up the short in one go, “this movie is possibly the worst we’ve seen so far. Then again, Video Brinquedo has more of these ripoffs, and I think we have to dive in to those next.”

“So… I’m Amaterasu,” Ama said with a smile.

“And I’m Yatagarasu,” Yata said with a shrug.

“Happy New Years~!!” both girls said as they clinked their glasses and drank their wine coolers.

The Frog Prince
   Songs</i>: None
   Animation: Awful
   Character Development: None whatsoever
   Stars: -1/5
   Buy, Borrow, or Burn: Just… burn it
Alright, first DA post to kick off 2016!! Let's go!!

So I decided to torture myself… only this time, it’s shorter than normal. This is still a Video Brinquedo studio film, don’t get me wrong, but… okay, this is gonna hurt. What happens when you have a spoiled brat for a princess and you’re trying to marry her off before her crowning? Oh, God, it’s a nightmare for this one.

I didn’t give birth to this… “movie.” This belongs to Video Brinquedo.

I don’t own any videos whatsoever. They belong to their rightful owners.

I only own Amaterasu and Yatagarasu.
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thebigcrunchone9's avatar
This is cool.

ALso I think Princess and the Frog.. was maybe mean't to be about both Frog Princess and Frog Prince. I mean weren't those both the subject of fairy tales?